María Pilar Bernal Calderón
President of the Spanish Composting Network and CSIC Research Professor at the Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura in Murcia. PhD in Chemistry from the University of Murcia, specialist in soil chemistry, technologies for the treatment and management of organic waste and biological techniques for the recovery of contaminated soils. Her research focuses on environmental technologies for the recycling of organic waste in the soil-plant system, for soil protection and recovery.
He has extensive experience in the development of research projects, participating in 53 projects and leading 27 of them. He has published 134 articles in scientific journals, 33 books and book chapters, and has been editor of a collection of 13 books on the treatment and use of organic wastes.
Member of the EIP-Agri Focus Group of the European Commission on Protection of agricultural soils from contamination. Participant in the MEP-Scientist Pairing Scheme (MEP-Scientist Pairing Scheme). Member of the Jury of the Rey Jaime I Awards for Environmental Protection. Editor of the Waste Management in Agroecosystems section of the journal Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. President of the Spanish Composting Network.